Tonight's the night the clocks go back and as a result chaos will reign!!! What is it about this bi-annual time based mix up that puts the nation at sixes and sevens!?
Twice a year it happens and twice a year the inevitable conversation starts about 3 to 4 days beforehand... "Clocks go forward this weekend.... Forward? No back surely?... Back? Spring forward, fall back, yes they must be going back.... Does that mean u get an extra hour in bed or do you lose an hour?... Well if it's really 8 o'clock it will actually be 7 o'clock soooo... We lose an hour... No we get an extra hour in bed.. Do we?... I dunno." And so on! This back and forth begins to take a turn for the frantic when the deadline is ticking ever closer like the giant clock in countdown counting down to the unveiling of the solution to the countdown conundrum!
The clocks changing sums up Britain pretty well as nobody ever knows what's going on but our main concern at this perplexing time is always whether we get an extra hour or lose an hour in bed! It is never whether we get an extra hour or lose an hour of industry or whether we get an extra hour or lose an hour to spend with our loved ones. Nope. It's always a terrible fear of a whole hour of beautiful slumber being snatched away from us by a nameless, faceless thing by that we don't really understand, that fuels the relentless questioning of the whole changing clocks system. And when we lose an hour in bed by god! Some blame the government, some blame the farmers, I blame the clocks. Tick tock tick tock... on and on they go like mad time measuring bastards and just when you think you can trust them.... They change!
By the way the clocks go forward tonight... No back definitely back!
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