Tuesday 15 November 2011

Junior Rabble....

The Apprentice's Nick remained unimpressed by the young apprentice's efforts to capture the over 50's market last night

Last night's Young Apprentice was a sad affair as we said cheerio to like-able, mop topped Liverpudlian Lewis Roman after a number of gaffes by this tongue tied entrepreneur. Last night saw Lewis ask one bemused seller if his designer shopping trolleys were multisex!? 

The task set by walnut faced Sir Alan Lord Sugar was to sell products to the over 50's market. Both teams having equally banal one word titles as usual, have escaped my notice/interest so lets call them Team A and Team B. 

Team A with Haya at the helm chose a pie maker, which caused Lewis an extreme amount of excitement as if he had never before seen the meat filled pastry snacks, and seemed to be the equivalent of a toastie maker for pies. What Lewis and Haya both glossed over is that the beauty of making a toastie is that you take two slices of bread and some filling out the fridge shove it all in and hey presto... a 5 minute snack! But with the pie maker presumably you have to make your pastry and your pie filling before shoving them all in your pie maker and hey presto... An arduous, time consuming 40 minute snack!? I feel for those who were mugged off in this pastry based swindle almost as much as the lady who was duped into buying the £300 dress made of old ties from creepy Chris in the last Apprentice. Team A's other product was a bird box containing a camera that you can link up to your television in order to watch said birds in said box. A strange product not so much for the over 50's market but more for the Bill Odie market, which is a very narrow market indeed. Not a big seller on the day but smug face, as I like to call Harry M, managed to shift a few to another stall holder in the closing hour. 

Team B, led by James, who can only be described as aggravating and looks like he is a Quentin Blake illustration come to life and jumped straight off the pages of a Roal Dahl book and into the competition. This team's products were the designer shopping trolleys, which it turned out were multisex and went down a storm with the multisex over 50's market, and a handheld hoover, which Karen Brady quipped "really cleaned up!" ....clap... long pause.... clap. It's lucky for Brady she has a good business brain and a strong brow as she has none of Nick's natural comic abilities! 

The totals were announced in the boardroom to James's delight and to Haya's dismay. Team B marched off to the London Eye to be treated to a performance by magician, Dynamo, who wowed the young apprentice hopefuls with an array of tricks. There was no magic moment for Lewis though (thanks for the gag Brady) as he was taken, with Hayley, back into the boardroom by Haya and unceremoniously booted out by Sugar. But only after listing all Haya's failings in the task. Go figure! Who knows where that firing finger will land!? Tune in next week to see if smug face or James get a taste of Sugars dismissive digit! We can only hope!

1 comment:

  1. I can't help but warm to Harry M. On the one hand I really want to slap him, but on the other I am enthralled by his posh campness (or camp poshness, maybe? I can't decide).

    Poor, poor Lewis. You'd think he might have checked if the pie maker was multisex too. Big. Mistake.
