Friday 18 November 2011

Pineapple Tart Preacher...

A nice man just handed me a leaflet on the street with a big picture of himself on the front which told the story of how he had gone from being deeply unhappy and an addict to the man he is today after finding the Lord. "Tell me more" I thought, "which lord is this? The Lord of the Dance? The Lord of the Rings?" But no it was the Lord Jesus Christ himself to whom he referred. This man had found God. Now I am a bit jealous as he seemed very happy and I was feeling a bit gloomy myself. "Maybe I would like a bit of God action." I thought. "Cheer me up a bit." But I was on my way to Morrisons not the house of God but the house of reasonably priced groceries. And what did I find in Morrisons? Not God or Jesus but some nice pineapple tarts and they have made me very happy indeed. I'm not mocking religion. My belief is that people should be free to believe what ever they please and if they believe in big JC then he exists as a result of their faith. But it all got me thinking what would happen if I were to hit the streets handing out leaflets about how I had found pineapple tarts and they changed my life. A nice wee photocopied leaflet with me on the front beaming holding a nice pig pineapple tart. How would people respond? Here is a snippet...

The turning point in my life came an hour ago when I saw the light, as you would say when I met the pineapple tarts on the shelf in Morrisons. It was there that these pastry based confectionery revealed themselves to me as my saviour. I was filled with joy and peace. I had a new hope in my life and knew that finding pineapple tarts marked a turning point for me. Since I have become an eater of pineapple tarts my whole life has changed and yours could too. If you let Them into your life pineapple tarts could bring their light and their glory to you.

Start up the photocopier!

Keep your eyes peeled for the manic street pineapple tart preacher coming to a town near you!

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