Wednesday 2 November 2011

Louis Theroux... America's Most Dangerous Pets

Oh how I love Louis Theroux! His bespectacled faux naivety never failing to draw those he encounters to spill more than they meant to and certainly more than they would to a Paxman haranguing. His softly softly catchee monkey approach really came into play in the recent documentary "Louis Theroux - America's Most Dangerous Pets." Though there was the unsettling fear throughout the show that the monkey, bear, tiger, lion or chimpanzee may in fact catchee Louis. Especially when Cooper the chimp smashed through the window of the house in which Louis and crew were cowering from his animal antics! But why would our stateside friends, who are known for their quiet, sensible approach to life keep animals better suited to roaming the wild in their own back yard!? There was women with child substitute monkeys that they showered with cuddles and kisses and dressed in children's clothing and jewellery. (What sort of establishment would pierce a monkey's ears!?) and then there were men with a power substitute parade of tigers or lions on leashes. Then there was Joe Exotic, an odd character somewhat summed up by his juxtaposition of a name, if you were going to the trouble of changing your surname to Exotic would you not be tempted to spice up your forename too!? Joe owns and runs a wildlife park consisting of 1400 animals, mainly lions and tigers or a combination of the two. Joe's forte is in fact the interbreeding of lions and tigers making ligers and tiligers and his latest project combining a liger and tiliger to create... wait for it... a saber tooth tiger!? I am not questioning Joe he is after all the expert! Joe's claims that if his wildlife park goes bankrupt he will euthanize all 1400 animals only added to an image of a crazy, mixed up, cross between Hitler and Noah, wiping out the animals two by two. So there you have it Louis gave us a glimpse of the plight of wild animals kept by a range of selfish or deluded odd balls. What's next for Louis? Louis Theroux.. America's most hated octopus or perhaps Louis Theroux... America's most dangerous musuem. Who knows! But I will be tuning in that is for sure!

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